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Class Assignment Game 1
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Nightmare Castle Layout
October 13, 2022
Saeed Sabke
I have designed the maze in Nightmare Castle in a way that makes navigating it intuitive yet tricky. The maze is designed to be mostly symmetrical, with local symmetries throughout. This can make it e...
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Another Nightmare Castle to do List Done Yet Again.
October 02, 2022
Saeed Sabke
I have successfully added the sounds and animations into the Nightmare Castle game. In fact, the animations of the props actually ended up adding a new layer of gameplay to the game, as now you have t...
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Another Nightmare Castle to do List.
September 28, 2022
Saeed Sabke
Spooky sounds to trigger fight or flight response in players. A strict time limit to induce adrenalin in players. Sounds get scarier as time passes. Subtleties in sound and animation for each prop in...
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Nightmare Castle Now Better Than Ever
September 26, 2022
Saeed Sabke
Since the only things on my to do list were to add more decoration to the level and to add keys and doors, those are now done. Things like patches of dirt and wooden planks make the castle feel decrep...
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To Do List For Nightmare Castle
September 21, 2022
Saeed Sabke
I have consulted a fellow classmate on potential changes to make for my Nightmare Castle. They suggested I made my hallways less empty and added more decoration to them. On that note, I will also be a...
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Nightmare Castle Update
September 19, 2022
Saeed Sabke
I have added extra details using actor components, such as smoke to the cages, candles so the chandeliers, and arches to the starting room. I left them flameless as well as keeping the lack of sunligh...
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Modular Level Design
September 13, 2022
Saeed Sabke
Q: Why is the player there? A: You have mysteriously woken up in a strange castle where architecture and item placement just feels off, almost as if your still dreaming. Q: What is the player's goal?...
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Lights and Materials
September 13, 2022
Saeed Sabke
I downloaded some textures from, and sorted all of the downloads in Unreal under the file "Textures". The textures in question were concrete, grass, brick wall, dirt, and tiles. Then, I m...
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